Imagining the Void
With an elaborate and dreamlike mindset John Pullano’s quirky illustrations draw from pop culture, sci-fi, and b-horror violence to populate their wide visual range. Although simple in composition and amount of ink used their impact comes most from a dead pan comic intent, and the ridiculous situations that are imagined. The viewer is not left wondering about a certain artistic style used, rather the unpredictable content that the artist has chosen. An image of a man stabbing his fist through his own throat or even a quiet house floating on a lonely ice sheet leave the viewer perplexed but also intrigued at the intended meaning behind these drawings. The beauty of John’s imagery is based not upon some collected decision of themes but rather a raw streaming view inside the images that populate his mind (and all of our minds) daily.
John grew up in small town Apalachin, NY before venturing to Orlando, Florida where he earned degrees in Film & Entertainment Business at Full Sail University. He currently resides in Los Angeles, CA where he is represented by IATSE Local 44 in film & Television under Property and creates a wide range of artwork spanning from his hand-drawn art to video art and music.
Written by Lanning Shields
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